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Welcome to Homegrown Leadership

Church as we know it is broken.  Not only are Pastors leaving the ministry at an alarming rate, but those who claim no religious affiliation are now the 2nd largest “religious” group in America – and their numbers are rising. Burnout among Pastors is at an all-time high. 

But even though what we are doing isn’t working, we continue to “do church” the same way we have done it for years. 

Do you find yourself struggling over the demands of ministry? Are you frustrated with trying to grow your church? Do you find yourself stuck in “copy and paste” mode – trying to duplicate what other churches are doing in an effort to realize some success at your church? 

What if the answer isn’t more of the same? What if you could be confident in the mission of your church? What if you could answer God’s call to ministry without the level of stress that you’re feeling? It IS possible!


Leadership is at the heart of Homegrown Leadership. When asked the question “What do you wish you had been told before you became a pastor?” The number one response from pastors was “I wish someone had taught me basic leadership skills.”

Homegrown Leadership provides pastors and church leaders with the leadership development they need in order to lead without stress. We work with individual pastors or leaders through personal coaching or will conduct 1-day leadership seminars and conferences that are designed to be both informational and practical. We work with local churches and as few as 3 staff members. We can also conduct a larger seminar for regional or denominational churches. Contact us for more information on hosting a seminar or conference!


1 Corinthians 12:18 tells us that God places each part of the body where he wants it. This one fact alone should change how we “do church”. Operating with the knowledge that God is the one who places people in our local bodies should shift our focus from growth, to placement. Instead of creating events, systems, or programs to attract people to our church, we only need to ask one question to those who attend: “Has God placed you here in our church?” Remember – the means used to attract people to your church must be sustained to keep them there. Break the cycle of consumerism in church attendance. For a more in-depth discussion of this topic, please see this post. Tom is available to speak to your church, church board, or group of churches or church leaders. Please Contact us for more information on having Tom speak to your group.  


Just as God has placed members in local church bodies, He also places local churches in specific places for specific purposes. We believe that your local church has a mission – a purpose. That mission fits into God’s plan for your geographic area. Having a unique purpose means that other churches in your area are not your competition. They also have a purpose that they are uniquely qualified to fulfill. 

Part of our mission is to help local churches discover their purpose. We provide direction for Pastors and church leaders in seeking God about their purpose. 

Please Contact us for more information on discovering your purpose.