Penny Rawlings

Penny Rawlings is Tom’s wife of 37 years. Having been involved in ministry with Tom for over 20 years, she has seen the ups and downs and ins and outs of churches. Having worked outside the church for nearly her entire career, she has a unique view of church life as a volunteer. Like Tom, she has a Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma, which is a system for determining ways to be more efficient. She uses this insight to help churches reduce “wasteful” resources and become more efficient at what they are called to do: make disciples.

Penny brings to the table the unique ability to organize and help create efficiencies in churches. Her gift is to look at every church through the eyes of a guest in order to locate more efficient ways of accomplishing your goals. From the moment she drives onto your property she is finding ways to make churches better. Helping to create signage, organizing the layout of community spaces and even creating or improving reporting structures are all abilities that Penny has that can help your church become better organized and more efficient.

Penny also assists Tom in leading their weekend Marriage workshops. Having spent the last 37 years being married to Tom she has faced nearly every challenge that a married woman can face, and she is still married! Her humor and authenticity make her very relatable to couples who want to strengthen their marriages.